Small Steps In The Right Direction for Community Housing Providers

Community Housing Providers Are Part Of The Solution

feet-legs-animal-farmManagement of Social Housing on a state-wide level isn’t working. That is why the NSW State Government is continuing to hand over the management of Social Housing to local Community Housing Providers (CHPs). See the article here.

CHPs will receive the management of these 18,000 dwellings early next year. Associated community services will also be awarded to approved community organisations. This is a positive step to having better resident-community outcomes.

However, if past practices are still used great improvement will not occur. The financial burden on the Australian tax system will continue, if Social Housing residents remain renting for the rest of their lives. So, the answer doesn’t lie in an increase in Social Housing stock. Increasing the supply of government funded housing is the incorrect vehicle.

It is important that CHPs are able to use management fees from social housing in numerous ways. In the past fees have only been able to be fed back into social housing. Better outcomes would occur if fees were spent on social housing stock, perpetually affordable housing and education.

If residents were able to use government rent subsidies to pay a Community Land Trust mortgage down, then over time the financial burden on the tax system will reduce.

It’s all about continual improvement and working towards positive social outcomes.

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